Document Type : Research Paper


Associate Professor, Department of History, Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz, Ahvaz, Iran.



The study of religions only from an extra-religious or external perspective cannot lead to a deep knowledge of religion, so examining the nature of a religion from an intra-religious viewpoint is necessary to increase the degree of relativity of its historical truth. Sabein was one of the heavenly religions existing in the Arabian islands or its surrounding areas on the eve of the emergence of Islam. The Qur'an has included the followers of this religion along with Jews, Christians, and Magi among the People of the Book. However, many historical and modern Islamic interpretation sources introduce the Sabein as a star-worshipping people. Still, the religious and religious life of the Sabein in the present era, especially in their belief in monotheism, prophecy, and resurrection, shows the opposite.On the other hand, the Qur'an calls people to monotheism, and the philosophy of sending prophets is also based on this. Hence how is it possible it includes a group of polytheists and star worshipers among the People of the Book. The present study aims to answer the question of why in Islamic historiographical texts the Sabean religion is mentioned as star-worshiping polytheists. Based on the descriptive-analytical method and relying on the oral tradition and religious and historical sacred texts of the Mandaean Sabeans as well as early and late Islamic sources it will provide a reasoned answer. This research also aims to identify and separate the Sabein who were among the People of the Book in the Qur'an, and the pagan Sabein in the interpretive historical texts to resolve the conflict in the texts of Islamic history with the Qur'an.This research also aims to identify and separate the Sabein who were among the People of the Book in the Qur'an, and the pagan Sabein in the interpretive historical texts to resolve the conflict in the texts of Islamic history with the Qur'an.


Main Subjects