

Having a look at the history of Iran, one can realize that, the foundation of governorship in this country was based on two factors, religious belief and tradition, as the Safavids came to power according to the former category and ruled for more than two centuries. The fall of the Safavid dynasty not only ended their ruling, but decreased their holiness drastically. Therefore, from then on the basis of ruling depended more on power and family nobility of ruling classes. The accession of Nadir to the throne of Iran was based on the approach of Iranian people and his power. He suppressed any opposition movements and banished rebellious tribes; nevertheless, created a persuasive ground for other tribal chiefs’ ambition and loving power. The killing of Nadir, offered a desirable opportunity for the tribal chiefs in pursuing their long-standing aspirations. The appearance of many rivals in the scene of political power in order to grab the throne of Iran, produced wars, massacres, looting and homelessness in most part of the country. Considering Shahrukh’s Kingship in Khurasan, Karim Khan’s victories over his rivals, were not pleasant for many of the tribal chiefs. It was very hard to except a low ranking family such as Karim Khan in power. The local governors and tribal chiefs of Far, especially in Larestan, the power of Karim Khan was considered as a serious threat to them in that region.
The local ruler in Larestan, like the other region in Iran, was hereditary. On the other hand, the economic foundation of Larestan was completely depended on trade. The local rulers always endeavoured to extend their influence from Shiraz, in north to the shores of the Persian Gulf, in south which could be estimated about 624 km in length. When Nasir Khan took power in Larsetan and Sab’ah, tried hard to deny the authority of Karim Khan so far as possible. This policy produced tensions and conflicts between Shiraz and Lar. Therefore, Naiser Khan decided to support the rivals of Karim Khan, Azad Khan and Muhammad Hassan Khan Qajar. He Would have been appointed as governor of Fars if Karim Khan could be defeated.
The purpose of this paper is to study and analyze the relations between Nasir Khan and Karim Khan Zand, according to reliable sources.
