Document Type : Research Paper


Assistant Professor of History, Shahid Beheshti University


One of the most important newspapers of the Constitutional Revolution period, published by Mohammad Bagherkhan Tangestani, is the Rooznameh Jonob. The examination of the critical stance of the Rooznameh Jonoub, in anticipation of the theory of Powerful Independent Government, believes that the government must stand against the plans of European governments and seek national interests on the basis of national unity. The purpose of the present paper is to present a documentary view of the British Government's action in the form of Anglo-Iranian Oil Company during the constitutional era.The newspaper's authors believed that the company was acting on behalf of the British government and was not a commercial organization, but a political organization, in the context of which it seeks to extend the interests of England in Iran, Rooznameh Jonoub itself is the first to oppose the Darcy contract in Iran.The question that author attempts to answer is why the Rooznameh Jonoub view about England and the Darcy contract, which they call a political organization, to determine the causes of this newspaper's view.


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