Document Type : Research Paper


1 University of Mohaghegh Ardabili

2 mohageg


According to historical sources, Azargoshnesb fire temple was one of the three important Sassanid fire temples. The location of this fire temple is mentioned in Pahlavi Ganzak sources, which the Arabs called Shiz, and its fire temple was lit until the fourth century AH. According to historical sources and archaeological research, Shiz is the current Takht-e Soleiman. Takht-e Soleiman is completely forgotten for two centuries after the fifth century AH. so that in the historical sources there is no mention of this place, but in the reign of Ilkhanate, this place was considered again and a hunting palace was built in it. In this period, Takht-e Soleiman, is referred to as Storliq, Surluq, or Soghorluq and most of the historical developments of Takht-e Soliman in the Islamic period are related to this time. After the Ilkhanate period, during the early Safavid kings, this place was used as a royal hunting ground and in the same period, this place is known as the Takht-e Soleiman. With the change of the Safavid capital and the departure of Takht-e Soleiman from the centers of government, this place was marginalized and forgotten forever in the political history of Iran.


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