Document Type : Research Paper


Assistant Professor of History, National Library & Archives of Iran, Tehran, Iran


The education system in Kermanshah, like most parts of the country, was a library until the early fourteenth century. The arrival and emergence of a wave of modernity in the contemporary history of Iran marked a fundamental change in the educational system and the emergence of new schools in the European way and caused the transformation and transformation of the educational system. The subject of this study is the study of the establishment and establishment of new schools in Kermanshah. This research intends to respond to the ambiguity of the process of creating new schools and the evolution of the educational system in Kermanshah by descriptive-analytical method and by using unpublished archival documents and the press?
The results show that despite the relative coincidence of the establishment of new schools in Kermanshah province with most of the provinces of Iran, a series of developments and events such as the Salar al-Dawla uprising, the arrival of hostile forces in the province during World War I and ... caused new schools in this region Prior to the March 3 coup, there had been no tangible progress, either quantitatively or qualitatively. However, with the third coup d'etat in March and as a result of the relative stability and calm of the province and also the support of the government, the education system of the province in the first Pahlavi period experienced tangible changes both quantitatively and qualitatively.
with the third coup d'etat in .


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