Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD student in Ancient Iranian Culture and Languages, Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch, Tehran, Iran

2 Professor, Department of Ancient Iranian Culture and Languages, Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studies


Around the eighth century AH, three villages in the Ardakān region of Yazd: Sharifābād, Turkābād, and Ahmadābād, which were close together, greatly influenced the religious life of Zoroastrians. This influence was the result of the migration of Mubedān-e-Mubed and their servants from Fars to this region. As a result of research, it was determined with the migration of two families of Mubedān to this area, they took on important religious duties. These were their three main tasks and roles: first guarding the holy fire, they had brought this fire with them from the Azar-Faranbaγ temple in Fars. Second, duplication of old manuscripts of Avestan texts. Transcribed versions are now considered old versions themselves. Third, answering the religious questions of the Zoroastrians of India. In addition to reviewing numerous texts and articles, the administrative documents of the Nāseri Association of Sharifābād branch in different decades were carefully examined in this study. By examining the old documents of endowments and documents of Mubedān and the former chiefs of the village, important information was obtained. In this regard, the ambiguities were resolved by asking the elderly people of Sharifābād. Also, by identifying the old houses of the Mubedān, a possible place of transcription of the Avesta was found. This is one of the oldest versions of the Avesta in the world (version 976).


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