Document Type : Research Paper


1 Archeology PhD student, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran.

2 PhD in archeology, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran.

3 Master of Archaeology, Mohaghegh Ardabili University, Ardabil, Iran



Al-Jalair or Ilkani were one of the great Mongol clans who were able to dominate parts of Iran, Azerbaijan and Iraq during the 8th and 9th centuries of AH. Al Jalayr has been less studied compared to the wide political influence he gained after the death of Abu Saeed Ilkhani. The purpose of this research is to investigate the area of expansion and influence of al-Jalair, in this regard, the information extracted from coins, especially mints and their minting date, was compared with the information and events mentioned in the texts. In some examples, there are contradictions between the name and date of the mint with the historical events recorded in that period, in fact, this research aims to answer these contradictions by using the science of numismatics and history. The primary core of this research is the Jalayri coins kept in the collection of Sheikh Safi al-Din Ardabili and the Archaeological Museum of Ardabil province, and in order to complete the information, other reliable numismatic sources were also used. . The results show that the Jalairians were able to mint coins in Tabriz first and then spread to Iraq and other parts of Azerbaijan and Eastern Anatolia. Al-Jalair's dominance over these regions was not consecutive due to his numerous assistances with Al-Shuja'a and Al-Timur. During most of their rule, Al-Jalair dominated parts of Iraq, Azarbaijan, Iran, Khuzestan, Sharvan and Ghastasbi and penetrated in areas such as Malik Rum and Iraq Ajam for a short period of time. One of the most powerful rulers of this tribe is Sheikh Awais, besides Iraq, he was able to dominate the North-West, West and South-West of Iran, Asia Minor and Shirvan. Even in a limited time, he minted coins in the central regions of Iran and the city of Shiraz. After Sheikh Owais, the influence and power of Al-Jalair had a downward trend, and finally the survivors of this government were limited to the Khuzestan region.


Main Subjects

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