Document Type : Research Paper


Assistant Professor, Department of History, Payam Noor University, Tehran, Iran.



Throughout its history, the Pars Sea has been regarded as one of the communication routes between East and West Asian economic regions. By facilitating the transfer of goods, this sea served as the trade link between this region, and it was regarded a part of these connections, which were situated at the edge of the economy of the Indian Ocean. This role persisted with the rise of Hormuz, but the nature and structure of relationships changed. At this point, the Persian Sea itself became an independent economic region and acquired some independence from the Indian Ocean; according to Wallerstein, it shifted from a semi-peripheral to a central position. Currently, the Pars Tavantes Sea should establish a balanced and reciprocal relationship with other global sectors. Why and how did this transformation occur? How did the authorities of Hormuz effect this transformation? This article attempts to address these questions using a descriptive-analytical approach and a historical perspective in order to pave the way for this transformation. This research revealed that Hormuz rulers, with a correct comprehension of the ties and significance of the Persian Sea, attempted to use the available tools to establish an independent domain, with varying degrees of success. Traditional trade sea routes and trade hubs in the Persian Sea were among these instruments. This research also revealed that, contrary to the belief of Wallerstein's supporters, who in their studies of the economic worlds of other regions did not identify political concentration as one of their characteristics, politics and the concentration of political power were the most influential factors in the formation of the Persian Sea's economic world. By establishing political power and destroying other independent commercial centers, the kings of Hormuz were able to transform the Persian Sea into a separate economic realm.


Main Subjects

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