Document Type : Research Paper


1 Ph.D. Candidate of Iranian history after Islam Khwarazmi University,Tehran, Iran.

2 partment of History Khwarazmi University,Tehran, Iran.

3 Associate Professor, Department of History, Khwarazmi University,Tehran, Iran.



Following the assassination of Nader Shah Afshar in 1160 AH and the subsequent wars of his successors, which led to the political instability in the southern regions of Fars province, Mohammad Nasir Khan Lari managed to establish control over the trade routes from the ports of Langah, Kang, and Abbasieh towards Shiraz by utilizing the political power vacuum and local forces. He made the city of Lar his main headquarters and played a significant role in the political affairs of southern Fars. The conflicts between the Zand dynasty and the Qajars between 1168 and 1210 AH created an opportune situation for Nasir Khan and his sons to exert a considerable influence on the balance of power along the trade routes towards Shiraz by leveraging their military capabilities.The closeness of the Zandiya rulers and the Nasirkhani dynasty and the efforts of the Zandians to gain control over the back-bank areas and Larestan and the efforts of the Nasirkhani family to maintain their territory and dominate Shiraz, caused Khanin Lari in the conflicts between the Zandians and the Qajars, and the tendency and favor of the Qajars. This article, using a descriptive-analytical approach and unpublished documents of the Nasir Khan family and newly discovered manuscripts, aims to shed light on some aspects of the relationship between the Nasir Khan family and the Zand kings, while evaluating their role in the downfall of the Zand dynasty and the rise of the Qajar dynasty as a historical issue. The findings of this research illuminate unknown aspects of power relations in Fars province during the Zand and early Qajar periods, providing new evidence on the background of the Zand dynasty's fall in Fars province and the influential role of the Nasir Khan family in these events. This study reevaluates the historical developments in Fars province during this period from the perspective of family documents of the Nasir Khan family and previously unpublished correspondences


Main Subjects

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