Volume 15 (2023)
Volume 14 (2022)
Volume 13 (2021)
Volume 12 (2020)
Volume 11 (2019)
Volume 9 (2018)
Volume 10 (2018)
Volume 8 (2017)
Volume 7 (2015)
Volume 6 (2015)
Volume 5 (2013)
Volume 4 (2013)
Volume 3 (2011)
Volume 1 (2009)
Volume 16 (1403)
Number of Articles: 7
The Tudeh Party and the Marxist-Leninist Concept of the "National Question" in Iran (1941-1979)
Volume 13, Issue 3 , December 2021, Pages 1-26
The national question was a concept constructed by nineteenth-century Marxists in the face of the spread of the wave of nationalism, a concept they used as a tool to advance their goals, ... Read MoreCrown Jewels Issue in the Conflict between Muhammad-Ali Shah and Constitutionalists and the Reaction of the Russian and British Governments; A Study Based on the unpublished Documents.
Volume 13, Issue 3 , December 2021, Pages 27-56
After signing the constitutionalism decree and the ratification of the constitution, political and economic powers were reduced and according to the law, the royal financial rights ... Read MoreThe Seals and signets of Sasanian Kings; identification of king and engraved motifs on them
Volume 13, Issue 3 , December 2021, Pages 57-80
Although the number of the seals and signets attributed to Sasanian Kings is small compared to the collection of the remaining seals from this period, they are distinguished from the ... Read MoreThe Fertile Cresent Unity in Kingdom of Iraq (1921-1958) Goals, Plans and Obstacles
Volume 13, Issue 3 , December 2021, Pages 81-104
One of the most prominent plans for Arab unity after World War I was Fertile Crescent Unity, which included Iraq, Jordan, Syria, Palestine, and Lebanon. After establishing the Iraqi ... Read MoreTarn’s Alexander and the Dream of a United World
Volume 13, Issue 3 , December 2021, Pages 105-126
In 1927 a British historian by the name of William Tarn (1869-1957) with the appearance of a biography of Alexander in the sixth volume of The Cambridge Ancient History produced ideal ... Read MoreA Review and Critique of Maarif-al-Rejal book narrative about Reza khan meeting with religious authorities in Najaf
Volume 13, Issue 3 , December 2021, Pages 127-144
In the middle of the fifth term of the parliament, when Reza Khan was the Prime Minister, he went to the south of the country to suppress the rebellion led by Sheikh Khaz’al. ... Read MorePast past and Future past: A Study of the Layers of Time in Yaʿḳūbī 'S Taʾrīkh
Volume 13, Issue 3 , December 2021, Pages 145-168